The risk is probably higher than any reward you might get from writing this. I agree it is the right thing to do but I'm not sure enough people will care. Unless it's picked up by a louder voice, only the terminally online will even know.

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Just by perusing Twitter today, it's obvious that this has had some effect. I mean, we can talk about narratives till the very end but a 3 hour video showing receipts and sources of how Keffals has systematiclly engaged in lying, bullying, harassment and manipulation is too much to ignore, even for Keffals fans. You won't be able to convince the insane schizo people but there are many in the middle who hate Destiny or like Keffals and have just taken her at her word. That needs to change. Destiny almost has a duty to his audience and to himself to be honest.

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I don't like either of them. I find them both to be insufferable, but I will admit

1) this is very well done and the evidence is irrefutable

2) using minors to help build your internet fame should be illegal

wtf is wrong with these people? They are no better than pedophiles (no, not minor attracted persons, PEDOPHILES).

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There is nothing bad that can come out of telling the truth. Risk reward ratios make sense but when you know the risk phase is only temporary, since in the long term nothing bad can come out of telling the truth, it is quite the sustainable model (to be truthful).

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Well, if he gets brigaded and loses his source of income that may count as something bad coming out of telling the truth. And if he must pay that heavy a cost without effecting any real change that would suck.

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Keffals is a monster, and the system that gives Keffals so much power can only be called monstrous.

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GGWP...from a first time reader that does not align with almost all of your expressed views, you truly represent yourself with candor and rhetorical accuracy, watching your progressive retreat and eventual bulwarking against the cultural marxist madness has been refreshing and given me hope that there still is a "middleground" for the remaining sane on both sides to meet in.

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This was too tame. In any serious country she would be in prison.

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*he would be in prison

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My fear here is that... no one will care about any of this. Facts are now just in-group, out-group tribal nonsense. If journalists were in the least bit critical they could have uncovered almost all of this themselves. Instead, they chose to just tell the story their subject wanted to appeal to their in-group. It's a tragedy.

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Destiny is a online leftie from America. For a person out of this sphere i would typically expect critic only on behaviour that could lead to problems down the line or accusation that someone is a "racist", "nazi", "sexist", etc. This work proofs again that Destiny is a exception to this rule.

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What a crazy read, thanks for sharing

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Lucas Roberts

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Hi I am listening to Destiny go through this blog. I was from skepticproject.com where we wrote 9/11 debunks, debunks on zeitgeist 1/2 and , and Stefan Molyneux audio timestamps. May I suggest you look into those particular blogs to organize this. Also you should include everything even things unfounded should be included on Keffals but you should be straight up that your not sure if this is true. Matter in fact those things should be under it's own category.

I feel like with the Keffals you should go the route of giving the audience a perspective of how Keffals operates and by that it reveals the character of Keffals to the audience at large. It doesn't matter what Keffals thinks it matters the information si correct and fair and how to communicate that message to the audience at large. In this sense Keffals is a none factor in this communication style. As you say Destiny are they acting in good faith. I wouldn't be surprised if this dude has people who know them in their personal life who would contest that Keffals acts in bad faith. You need to reach out to your audience and anybody willing to contribute to this blog so you can have the most thorough comprehensible fair minded guide to the character of Keffals. Keffals is a dime a dozen however this project interests me.

I'm no doctor but I would suspect Keffals is a bit of a narcissist or more so than usual for a social media person. The more you feed the fire the more popular and worse it gets. But fuk it I'm from IP2. Anyways check out the links I give below on skepticproject.com. I recommend blogs below on ideas on how to organize this blog a bit. I feel like again if you're very thorough and fair minded your blog will be accepted and shared more. If anything this Keffal's blog acts as a virtual warning buoy for all those that search for him.

Zeitgeist - Introduction


Zeitgeist: Addendum - Introduction


September 11th Conspiracies - Introduction


Free Domain Radio - Timestamps


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"I'm no doctor but I would suspect Keffals is a bit of a narcissist"

That's an understatement!

This person sounds like a grab-bag of all the worst Cluster B characteristics.

And you're completly correct that the more you feed them, the worse the situation gets.

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Wish this can be adopted as an actual sociology case study you can site officially.

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We now live in a society where the loudest, craziest person wins. Countless numbers of people are either in full retreat from social media and digital public life, or, like Destiny, are spending a great deal of their energy managing life in this new "society". Everything has devolved into a deeply deranged meta conversation.

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Let there be carnage!

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Gamergate Zoe Quinn 2022 edition

gangstalking - check

internet mobs - check

lies about all of it - check

attacks message boards - check

'net journos and offline cover for it - check

raising money - check

etc etc etc

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Bravo for being courageous and thorough. You have done the job that journalists are too lazy or biased to do.

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Do you really think people like Taylor Lorenz care whether or not Kiwi Farms aCkChYuAlLy bullied trans people into suicide or not? It seems a bit naive to act like the online left is all of a sudden going to somehow cut KF a break, or stop blindly idolizing Keffals, over details such as that. That's not how the left works, and I would've thought someone with your level of experience in the subject would know that.

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